
The First Day // by Skylar

My first day at Stanford was full of starting cool classes, meeting interesting people, and dodging bikers pedaling frantically to a lecture. I tried my hardest not to get lost, but given my directionally challenged tendencies, I found myself lost in the main quad. It was an adventure trying to navigate through the hallways in search of my class...but another fun opportunity to explore our beautiful campus!

The First Day // by Maggie

On the first day of school, I was super excited and woke up way too early for a class that is literally 45 sec bike ride away. A little over anxious, I think so. I was going to my PWR class which is on Gender Politics, and I locked my bike next to Melena's and we went into the building. We spent a good 2 hours talking about how girls are awesome, but treated poorly through media, pretty much a feminist class. Anyway, Melena and I walked to our bikes, all excited that we are real Stanford students and I go to unlock my bike, and Melena and I just start laughing instantly. I had locked my bike lock around nothing, I basically just slipped it over my bike and it was just sitting there. It was a kind of in the moment type thing, but I think it really shows how much we, I, was looking forward to our FIRST DAY! WOO!

The First Day // by Gabby

My first day at Stanford was both very exciting and stressful. I was very excited to meet my professors and other people in my classes- I had been looking forward to this day for a while! Yet, I got lost quite a few times, and the fact that I had ten minutes between two classes didn't help my situation. My PWR 1 (writing) class and PoliSci lecture were both very interesting, but my Italian class didn't go so well... Since the Intro to Italian Language class was full, I signed up for an accelerated course as I took six years of Latin in high school. I thought I could manage, but when the instructor told the class to converse with each other in Italian I knew things were not going to go well. The other students spoke the language in a near perfect accent in a fast pace while I struggled to say even the simplest of words without awkward pauses. Apparently this class was not the one for me, but the great thing about Stanford is that the quarter system allows students to take a lot of different courses throughout the year. So, I'll just take the normal Italian next quarter! After a full day of classes and an eligibility meeting, my friend and I went to the Welcome Home Carnival where there were free carnival games, food trucks, and four hot air balloons! I had a good time :). My first day was great and I'm sure that it's just a minor reflection on how amazing these next four years will be.

The First Day // by Anna

For most people, their first day at Stanford is a very memorable moment for a variety of reasons. Some might remember their very first class and their first impression of a certain  faculty member or a funny conversation they had in the dining hall that day. But for me, my memorable moment is locking myself out of my room in nothing but a towel. After my run that night, I hopped in the shower and had the misfortune of letting the door click behind me. My roommate was out with most of our dorm at some organized freshmen event so I had no way of getting in my room. I ended up spending about an hour in a neighboring room discussing Canadian politics with some newly acquired friends.

The First Day // by Rachel

My first classes went pretty well. I got lost to my first class and walked in a few minutes late. I am really excited for my Psych 1 class. The prof was funny. What I'm excited about for that class is a requirement to participate in psychological studies. I have no idea what that will include. Psych is my biggest class, so walking into a 300 person class on the first day was a little unnerving.

My first few days have gone pretty well over all. Probably the most difficult thing has been finding classes. And getting lunch around classes. But overall, everything has been great so far!

The First Day // by Gurpreet

On the first day of school at Stanford, my roommate and I eagerly woke up in anticipation to start classes. We packed our bags (even took a picture for the scrapbooks) and headed off to class. I attended an introductory seminar with only eight students on the ‘Neurobiology of Pain’ as well as intro level chemistry with hundreds of other students. My first few days at Stanford have been an awesome adventure, besides already biking into a pole and getting lost numerous times; but that comes with being a freshman

Picture (left to right): Kate (roommate), Kierstyn (dorm mate), me!