On the Stanford campus I have come to find a new home, a place full of comfort and solitude. When the day is done, practices and classes are finished I often look forward to spending my evenings there where I can relax and just think. Where might this place be? None other than the library, but not just anywhere in the library, in particular the Bender Room. What makes this room so special is that not many people know where it is, because it takes effort to get to it. When you enter the library you must weave your way making different left and right turns down different hallways until you arrive at an elevator, and once there you have to take it all the way to the 5th floor, that’s right the very top floor in the library. Once you arrive on the top floor there is a wooden door leading its way into the brightly lit room filled with windows and comfortable couches and chairs throughout. On most weeknights you can find my purple bike parked out in front of Green library I have made it a weekly routine. On some nights I even treat myself to a free mocha or a vanilla chi latte at the café located just outside this library, thanks to the occasional Twitter Word of the Day put out by the café in which you just have to whisper a certain word to the cashier to get a free drink. For example:
Stop by any Coupa Cafe today for a Small Mocha. Whisper "Mark Linsey" @mlinsey and get one for FREE! Plz-RT 8-)
I have even mastered the ability to sneak my drink into the library so that I can happily enjoy it while doing my work. As Kelsey previously mentioned, what better way to spend our day off than doing homework in the library. On Monday Kaley and I spent our usual afternoon in the library and sure enough 15 minutes into studying Annika showed up. Then 10 minutes later, Kate, Kelsey, and Melissa entered the room. We continued our studying and then sure enough both the team captains made their way to the Bender Room, Kimbo and Kim. It is safe to say we had a very studious afternoon with the women’s water polo team taking over the library. More importantly we were able to get all the K’s on the team in the library hence (Kaitlyn, Kaley, Kelsey, Kate, Kimbo, Kim). Lately I have been thinking about mixing it up and exploring the massive library and finding a new spot to study (once I do I will be sure to let you know) but for now if you wish to find me on a week night try the Bender Room first.

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