NCAAs this year was really a dream come true. When I was a freshman we came in third, and
then as a sophomore we placed second, and finally as a junior we finished first. It really has been
a three year process for my class and there was no better way to send off our seniors into the real
world and Mel and Anni into the world of the Olympics than to win a National Championship
together. From McDonalds to Disneyland and finally to Band Run, last weekend truly was

A great memory from the weekend was watching the "40 Greatest Speeches of All Time" with
my roommate, Monica, before our semifinal and championship game.
"A day may come when the courage of men fails... But it is not this day! -Aragon

on in that moment. It's a great feeling when you know you're experiencing something that you'll
go on to talk about and remember for the rest of your life.
No team I've played on has ever been this good.
No team has supported me in and out of the pool in this way.
There is no team like Stanford women's water polo.
When JT said "Do it for each other and do it for the seniors," that’s when it hit me, winning the
had 18 other girls giving it their all and trusting in each other. In the end when I think about the
weekend what I believe really got our team going wasn't about winning for ourselves, but for our
teammates and that is what made all the difference.
I am just so proud of everyone on the team. We all are such a diverse group of girls and everyone has something in and out of the pool that they are absolutely incredible at. This weekend, we were together, played to each other’s strengths, and then dominated as a team. The feeling during the seconds counting down to the end of the game was a mix of every strong emotion you could think of. Yet, the only word that came to my mind was: LOVE. Love for my team, for the coaches, for Stanford, for the parents, and for the sport that brought us together.
The Monday before we left for Michigan, we had our last weight lifting session of the season. This of course meant it was time for dress up weights, a long standing tradition of Stanford Women's Water Polo. Our theme for this year: #winning, perfect to get us in the mood for what we planned on doing the coming weekend. So whether we were dressed up as the lottery, superman, Coach Susan, or Kate Middleton (clearly, she won), we completed our final weight program of the season as winners.
As we jumped into the pool to celebrate I remember thinking to myself, "This it is. All of those swim sets, early morning practices, and weekends forgone. To experience this moment."
One of my best memories from this past weekend was during the final game against Cal. It was late in the 3rd quarter and JT was standing about the 5M line and wanted to call a time-out. The
pain, the struggle, the everything...was worth it. It's worth that feeling of pride. It's a feeling from which I am still "warm" (as Kimbo would call it). That feeling and those girls surrounding me are my inspiration.

"Cherish and savor this now and for a good time to come. You will remember it until the day you die. Draw on it when necessary as it will buoy you when you are down. You have a well- earned “magic elixir” that will be with you ad infinitum."--family friend
NCAA's was amazing. It feels as though we have truly finished a season off. Every year season ends, and it is just over. But when you work so hard for something as big as an NCAA title, your season never ends. This one stays with you for a lifetime :)
Winning a national championship was WAY better than eating a McFlurry!!
To finally go to NCAAs and come back a champion was the greatest experience I have
had. The last three years it was disappointing coming up short and this year made all of the
disappointment finally worth it. To go out on top is just so exciting and I loved this year and all
of my amazing teammates.
I will never forget the feeling relief and ecstasy that came over me as the burdens of training,
the pressure to win, the disappointment of losing in the past, anything that could have possibly
weighed me down, literally flew off my body as I lifted our NCAA championship trophy in the
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