
The First Day // by Gabby

My first day at Stanford was both very exciting and stressful. I was very excited to meet my professors and other people in my classes- I had been looking forward to this day for a while! Yet, I got lost quite a few times, and the fact that I had ten minutes between two classes didn't help my situation. My PWR 1 (writing) class and PoliSci lecture were both very interesting, but my Italian class didn't go so well... Since the Intro to Italian Language class was full, I signed up for an accelerated course as I took six years of Latin in high school. I thought I could manage, but when the instructor told the class to converse with each other in Italian I knew things were not going to go well. The other students spoke the language in a near perfect accent in a fast pace while I struggled to say even the simplest of words without awkward pauses. Apparently this class was not the one for me, but the great thing about Stanford is that the quarter system allows students to take a lot of different courses throughout the year. So, I'll just take the normal Italian next quarter! After a full day of classes and an eligibility meeting, my friend and I went to the Welcome Home Carnival where there were free carnival games, food trucks, and four hot air balloons! I had a good time :). My first day was great and I'm sure that it's just a minor reflection on how amazing these next four years will be.

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