
Winter Break // by Kaitlyn

My New Years Resolutions for 2012:

Every year I write my new years resolutions down in my private journal, stashed away in a secret hiding spot for most of the year I hardly glance at them and pretty much every year forget about them until it is two days before New Years and I realize I haven't accomplished anything on my list. So this year I am trying something new, I am posting my New Years Resolutions for all of you to see making them more public in hopes that I might actually finish some if not most of them.

- Get good grades
- Win NCAAs
- Get a paying summer job
- Learn how to golf
- Read all of Chelsea Handler's books
- Start photography again
- Go to a concert
- Do 8 minute abs 4 times a week (click here for the video!)
- Keep my room clean
- travel to a new state
- learn how to cook
- visit the beach more often
- Go to a Giants game
- Visit more museums
- Keep in better touch with high school friends
- Get more sleep

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